Thursday, May 20, 2010

[STUDIO TRIUMPH] Aoi-chan to... (Ai Yori Aoshi)[ENG]

[STUDIO TRIUMPH] Aoi-chan to... (Ai Yori Aoshi)[ENG]

This was scanned by ERO-SENNIN and was one is pretty easy to translate since it was like 90% moans and stuff took a while to get it out since I was also working something else and I'm lazy. I believe that this one takes place near the beginning of the series once when they meet up. I really liked the art despite the lack of story.


Anonymous said...

whoa an ai yori aoishi doujin, havent read one of these in awhile! thx for the release

Ehud said...

Many thanx Slayerjammer.

Slayerjammer said...

Your welcome, glad some people still actually remember Ai Yori Aoshi. I think I seem to be translating old random stuff...oh well.